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  • 06/2021
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Overview of telephone voice commands

You can use the telephone voice commands to make phone calls or search through the address book. The following list offers just a small selection of the possible telephone commands. You will receive additional suggestions if you say Help for phone.

Telephone voice commands

Voice command

Colloquial example


Call <telephone number>

I would like you to dial <telephone number>

Makes a telephone call by entering the telephone number directly

Call <contact>

I would like you to call "Smith, John on the cell number

Makes a telephone call directly by entering a name from the address book

Call name

I would like to call a name

Makes a phone call. All address book names are available.

Search for contact

I would like you to search for a contact

Searches for a contact. All address book names are available.

Latest calls

I would like to see the latest calls

Displays all outgoing, incoming and missed telephone calls.

Missed calls

I would like you to show me a list of missed calls

The list of missed calls is shown.

Incoming calls

I would like to see a list of incoming calls, please

The list of incoming calls is shown.

Outgoing calls

I would like you to show me a list of all outgoing calls

The list of outgoing calls is shown.

Redial number

I'd like to redial

Selects the last phone number dialled

Change phone

Could you please switch to the second phone?

Changes the primary telephone.

Call MB emergency

Could you call the Mercedes-Benz emergency centre?

An emergency call is initiated.

Call Mercedes me

Notify Mercedes breakdown assistance

Mercedes-Benz breakdown assistance is called.